A Short Biography
I retired from commercial life in 1991 and for a while struggled to
find a way of occupying my greatly extended leisure time.
I had always taken an interest in drawing and sketching but never
had the time to take art seriously. Now I had all the time in the
world, I was able to explore a wide range of options.
Drawing skills took me naturally to pencils and pastels as media,
and I went on a few courses for pastels and studied the many
videos available at the local library, ….. some I found an excellent
way to drop off to sleep.
I took courses in Pastel pencils as these seemed to be a cleaner
method for working pastels, and those courses took me logically to
Coloured Wax Pencils as a method of getting the detail I was
looking for.
The next bit of excitement was my attendance at an AGM of the UK
Coloured Pencil Society at Patchings in Nottingham.
I was moved to make several comments from the floor about how I
felt things might be organised, and - surprise - I found myself
voted on to the committee.
Let that be a lesson to you all.
Take care when attending AGMs.
I was Chairman of the UKCPS for 3 years and during that time
made a lot of contacts in the art world and also demonstrated
Coloured Pencils for the UKCPS at the NEC Birmingham and
undertook show demonstrations for several of the European Pencil
Manufacturers in the UK.
I was asked to take over teaching residential Coloured Pencil
courses at Knuston Hall in Northamptonshire when two of their
teachers retired, and - 12 years later - I have also now retired from
teaching there. Following the Covid shutdown, Knuston Hall has
never re-opened. A great shame.
I now paint in a wide range of media - mainly pastel and acrylic,
though I also enjoy Pen & Wash. and in 2022 I worked more with
Pastels again and also experimented with Acrylics painted in resin
( see the ‘news’ page).
For 12 years I was Chairman of the Winslow & District Art Society in
Buckinghamshire and I enjoy the social aspect of a local society
and the chance to share knowledge with folk who are just starting
out on their art progress. In 2019, I decided that it was time to
pass on responsibility to others and following my retirement from
teaching, I also retired from active service as an officer of the
The problems with the Virus lockdown in 2020 led to my running a
regular website for the Winslow Society members for a time to
keep things going.
I can’t see me ever totally retiring, but at 85 I am certainly slowing
down a bit and I paint less than I did - I try new challenges ( back to
watercolour etc ) with varied success and also concentrate more
on Pastels and the many new ideas that have been promoted since
I first started with art nearly 30 years ago
At least the challenges are keeping my brain active!
Peter Weatherill
Peter Weatherill 2021
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